Health Management

Health management initiatives

ID&E Group Health Declaration

The ID&E Group believes that in order to put into practice our management philosophy of “Act with integrity and contribute to society through technology and engineering” our staff and their families must be healthy, both physically and mentally.

By maintaining and promoting the health of staff and their families and creating a vibrant work environment and highly productive work styles that respect diversity, we will realize a favorable work-life balance of staff as well as the well-being of the Group and contribute to the development of a sustainable society through our business.

Hiroaki Shinya
Director and Representative Executive President
Integrated Design & Engineering Holdings Co., Ltd.

Health management promotion system

Operational Flow of the Quality and Environmental Management System

Setting health issues

Management issues to be solved by health management and final target indicators

Management issues that we want to solve in health management

The ID&E Group is committed to contributing to the development of a sustainable society through its business. Through the promotion of health management, we will achieve Well-Being by providing an environment where employees are healthy in mind and body, respect diversity, and can maximize their abilities.

Background and rationale for setting specific numerical targets for overall health and productivity management

We place the highest priority on ensuring that our employees are in good physical and mental health and are actively working on preventing diseases from becoming severe, mental health measures, and promoting work-life balance. In order to measure the extent to which we are demonstrating our mental and physical health and abilities, we have set the following four target indicators and are regularly improving our evaluation.

Health Management Strategy Map

Operational Flow of the Quality and Environmental Management System

Health Management Strategy Map

Setting Target Values

The ID&E Group's health issue is that the finding rate of employees' health checkups is higher than the national average. In particular, since the prevalence of findings in liver function, blood lipids, and BMI is high, we are focusing on measures to improve dietary habits and establish exercise habits. In addition, mental health measures are also essential to achieve the final target indicators related to health, and we are working on measures to set various indicators. The target values of each indicator are reviewed every 3 years using the national average as a benchmark.

Target figures and result values of each indicator related to health management

Specific initiatives

Operational Flow of the Quality and Environmental Management System

Enhance the content of periodic medical examination and ensure that all staff receive medical examinations

Follow-up after medical examination

Promotion of mental health care

Collaboration health with NK Health Insurance

The Health Promotion Liaison Committee shares information, monitors, and considers measures for the data health plan, each insurance business, and specific health guidance and scoring reports conducted by NK Health Insurance, and promotes collaborative health.

Health promotion measures through collaborative health

Other measures to maintain and improve health

We are implementing various measures to maintain and improve the health of our employees.

Before renovation
After renovation
Refresh Corner
Set up a grip strength monitor, body composition analyzers, and automatic blood pressure monitors

Evaluation / Improvement

Support for promoting health management to business partners


Held in august
"Health Management Promotion Seminar - Health Management Initiatives and Mental Health Measures" (co-hosted with medical institutions for health checkups)

Standards to be observed and considered

What is recommended to be implemented

Participation in external health measures

We are actively participating in health policies conducted by the government.

Promotion of exercise [Japan Sports Agency]

Sport in Life Consortium

Health promotion [Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare]

Corporate Action for Cancer Control
Smart Life Project

Health measures Implementation status


Events / Online seminars (for employees)
September 2024 Mental health measures Self-care seminar: Stress reduction methods from the perspective of mindfulness (Under tabulation)
August 2024 Health issues unique to women in the workplace 1,540 views
Satisfaction 83.5%
July 2024 Mental Health Measures Line Care Seminar Viewed 939 times
Satisfaction 80.9%
June 2024 Good Sleep Seminar #10 types 3,774 views
Satisfaction 88.8%
June 2024 Science-based cancer prevention 1,424 views
Satisfaction 85.1%
June 2024 Dietary + Exercise Seminar Number of participants 97
Satisfaction 93.0%
May 2024 Company-wide walking event 1,291 participants
January 2024 Hygiene Education Video One-Point Lecture on Back Pain View 864 times
January 2024 Performance-Up Sleep Technology 1,154 views
Satisfaction 85.6%
December 2023 Hygiene Education Video About Stroke 787 views
December 2023 Hygiene Education Video One-Point Lecture on Myocardial Infarction Viewed 936 times
November 2023 Company-wide walking event 1,059 participants
October 2023 Self-care seminars Viewed 1,162 times
September 2023 Health seminars for managers Health support for working women Viewed 462 times
Satisfaction 73.5%
August 2023 Women-only Health issues unique to women in the workplace Viewed 699 times
Satisfaction 75.5%
July 2023 Mental Health Seminar Learning Self-Care and Depression Viewed 832 times
Satisfaction 77.1%
May 2023 Dietary Lifestyle Improvement Seminar (2nd time) Number of participants 517
Satisfaction 96.8%
May 2023 Dietary Lifestyle Improvement Seminar (1st time) Number of participants 684
Satisfaction 92.6%
April 2023 Company-wide walking event Number of participants 347
October 2022 Breast cancer is a health issue unique to women Viewed 348 times


September 2024 Work-life balance Basic points for balancing childcare and work (Under tabulation)
August 2024 Infectious diseases Acceptance rate 43.2%
May 2024 Healthy eating habits Acceptance rate 45.1%
April 2024 Health promotion course 2 (migraine, eye health (eye strain / dry eyes),
teeth and mouth health)
Acceptance rate 40.5%
January 2024 Health promotion course 1 (recommendation of exercise,
prevention of stiff shoulders, prevention of falls)
Acceptance rate 39.9%
June 2023 Healthy eating habits Acceptance rate 83.9%
January 2023 How to make a health checkup appointment and use the Health Data Bank Acceptance rate 87.0%
September 2022 About cancer prevention Acceptance rate 89.6%

Occupational Safety and Health Initiatives

Based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare's occupational health and safety management system, the ID&E Group is working on occupational health and safety with the aim of preventing occupational accidents, improving the health of workers, and further improving the level of safety and health at workplaces by voluntarily implementing continuous health and safety management through a PDCA cycle. In addition, in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, we appropriately conduct risk assessments to prevent the occurrence of work-related accidents and ensure the safety and health of workers. Examples of major initiatives for occupational safety are as follows.

Safety Patrol

In domestic and overseas projects, we conduct "safety patrols" according to the scale and content of the project in order to eradicate occupational accidents and foster employees' safety awareness. For projects that carry out construction supervision and management, we check the status of implementation of safety measures at the site and those involved in the construction by means of monthly joint safety patrols by the owner, contractor, and main group Company’s, and weekly safety patrols by contractors. The results of the safety patrols are fed back to the people who are involved in the project, and each project promptly formulates improvement measures based on the feedback results, reports on the status of implementation, and builds a PDCA plan to eradicate occupational accidents. In addition, the results are shared at the Health, Safety and Working Environment Council and each of main group company's subcommittees, and best practices are being rolled out horizontally along with risks related to safety management.

Security Survey

For overseas projects such as international development cooperation projects, we have established our own risk standards and make decisions on orders and travel. For projects in high-risk countries, at the time of project launch, we conduct security surveys such as project offices and dormitories with the cooperation of experts from crisis management companies that the Company contracts with. Based on the points made by crisis management experts in the survey, we will strengthen security measures at offices and dormitories and prepare and establish health and safety system so that employees can work in a safe and secure environment.

Number of occupational accidents


Target FYE June 2022 FYE June 2023 FYE June 2024
During the work 13 9 17
While commuting 4 4 9
Number of occupational accidents (cases) 17 13 26
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