ID&E Holdings started
Making working together a force for good in the world.

We pursue the creation of synergies within the groupto solve local issues together with our customers.
ID&E Holdings was created in July 2023 as a development of Nippon Koei. Under the slogan of "autonomy and collaboration," our major operating companies will pursue the creation of synergies to solve issues in each region while staying close to our customers.
ID&E Group
ID&E Highlights
Contributing to solving social issues through our business activities
This section introduces the ID&E Group's sustainability initiatives, which aim to create social value while contributing to the resolution of issues through our business activities.
ID&E Group's business performance, medium- and long-term management plans, and a message from the president. We will promote corporate activities aimed at maximizing long-term profit growth and corporate and shareholder value.

ID&E Global AcademyHuman resource development
ID&E Global Academy was established in July 2024 as a learning ecosystem to grow together with society.