Acknowledgment as a Sustainable Company

The Group has been recognized by external organizations as a corporate group that actively promotes initiatives for the development of a sustainable society.

Platinum Kurumin

ID&E acquired the Kurumin and Platinum Kurumin* Certification from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company with a high-standard of support for child raising in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation . The Kurumin Certification is awarded to the companies that outlined an action plan according to the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children and achieved the target. Platinum Kurumin is the special certification awarded to Kurumin-certified companies who go even further to fulfill a certain set of requirements for initiatives supporting an even higher level of work-life balance.
ID&E will continue to build an environment where human resources may have diverse work styles in an effort to foster a better work climate.
*Platinum Kurumin:A symbol of a specially certified company which gives stronger support for a balance between work and family life than a company with the "Kurumin" does.

Certification scope: Integrated Design & Engineering Holdings Co., Ltd.; Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.; Nippon Koei Urban Space Co., Ltd.; Nippon Koei Energy Solutions Co., Ltd.; Nippon Koei Business Partners Co., Ltd.

Sports Yell Company

The Japan Sports Agency recognizes companies that actively promote sports activities to promote the health of employees as "Sports Yell Company" with the aim of promoting the implementation of sports for the "working generation" and fostering social momentum for sports.
The Company provides and recommends sports opportunities to employees in various situations, such as conducting and raising awareness of original gymnastics (NK Taiso), supporting club activities, and holding Ekiden competitions. Twice a year, in the spring and autumn, the number of participants in the "Walking with Everyone" walking event, in which teams and individuals compete for the average number of steps taken per month using a smartphone app, is increasing every time, and more than 30% of the Group's employees participate.

Scope of accreditation: Integrated Design & Engineering Holdings Co., Ltd., Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., Nippon Koei Urban Space Co., Ltd., Nippon Koei Energy Solutions Co., Ltd., Nippon Koei Business Partners Co., Ltd., Koei Research & Consulting Inc.

Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization(White 500) (Large Enterprise Category)

ID&E Group was authorized as an “Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization 2025 (Large Enterprise Category)” for seven consecutive years, starting in 2019.
The authorization system, developed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (MTI) and NIPPON KENKO KAIGI, aims to award organizations implementing outstanding health management to address local health issues and promote health activities.

Certification scope: Integrated Design & Engineering Holdings Co., Ltd.; Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.; Nippon Koei Urban Space Co., Ltd.; Nippon Koei Energy Solutions Co., Ltd.; Nippon Koei Business Partners Co., Ltd.; Koei Research & Consulting Inc.

NIKKEI Smart Work Management Survey

ID&E received a 4-star rating in the 7th NIKKEI Smart Work Management Survey, which selects advanced companies revolutionizing productivity through work style reforms. The survey, conducted by Nihon Keizai Shimbun since 2017, targets listed companies and well-known unlisted companies across the country.
"Smart work management" is defined as initiatives to maximize organizational performance through three elements: enabling diverse and flexible work styles, systems for creating new businesses, and the ability to expand markets. The evaluation is conducted on a 5-star scale.

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