Sustainability Data

Sustainability data on the ID&E Group.


Environmental Management

Data Items Subject FYE2019 FYE2020 FYE2021 FYE2022 FYE2023
CO2 Emissions (Scope 1)(t-CO2) All ID&E offices in Japan 302 306 99 78 46
CO2 Emissions (Scope 2)(t-CO2) 4,060 3,911 3,502 3,163 3,156
Energy Consumption (kl) 2,155 2,078 2,020 1,844 1,854
Water Use Water(10,000m3)※2 All ID&E offices in Japan 2.0 2.1 1.2 1.2 0.76


Data Items FYE2020 FYE2021 FYE2022 FYE2023 FYE2024
Childcare Leave Utilization Rate
87.5 111.8 122.2 87.5 ID&E N/A
NK 85.7
NKUrban 100.0
NKES 100.0
NKBP 83.3
KRC 100.0
Childcare Leave Utilization Rate
14.5 17.2 28.7 47.8 ID&E N/A
NK 62.9
NKUrban 77.7
NKES 33.3
NKBP 77.8
KRC 100.0
Nursing Care Leave Utilization Rate
1.6 0.9 0.5 1.3 ID&E 6.3
NK 1.5
NKUrban 0.2
NKES 2.9
NKBP 3.7
Ratio of Female Managers
4.3 4.5 4.6 4.9 ID&E 0.0
NK 6.5
NKUrban 3.6
NKES 0.0
NKBP 17.6
Ratio of Foreign Managers
- 0.4 0.5 0.8 ID&E 0.0
NK 0.2
NKUrban 0.0
NKES 1.0
NKBP 0.0
Ratio of Mid-Career Recruitment Managers
- 30.1 31.3 30.8 ID&E 100
NK 30.6
NKUrban 25.7
NKES 21.0
NKBP 35.3
Ratio of Employees Who are Disabled
2.17 2.09 2.69 2.71 2.42
Number of Employees(Persons) 5,772 5,936 6,163 6,335 6,648
Number of Certified Professional Engineers(number of persons) 1,656 1,727 1,743 1,764 1,786
Number of New Employees(persons) 187 206 205 185 202
Average Number of Years of Employment(Years) 13.9 13.6 13.4 14.2 12.2
Employee Turnover Rate 2.1 1.8 2.4 3.6 3.2
Annual average actual working hours - - - - 1947.4

Health Management Performance Data

Monitoring Item FYE2020 FYE2021 FYE2022 FYE2023 FYE2024
Percentage of employees getting regular health checkup 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Percentage of employees requiring a follow-up receiving detailed physical examination 79.2% 84.9% 82.7% 81.20% 78.10%
Percentage of employees using special health guidance 100% 100% 100% 100%
Percentage of employees that received stress checks 89.9% 91.0% 89.5% 75.90% 77.30%
Stress check test rate 21.9% 19.1% 18.6% 90.90% 92.40%
indicators Content FYE2020 FYE2021 FYE2022 FYE2023 FYE2024
Output Work Engagement 2.69 2.695 2.689 2.705 2.71
Presenteeism 79.60% 79.31% 78.94% 78.83% 77.90%
Absenteeism 2.54 days 2.41 days 1.90 days 2.35 days 2.30 days
Percentage of persons with findings in periodic health examinations 65.10% 64.30% 66.90% 64.00% 67.10%
performance Findings rate of blood
12.60% 13.80%
Prevalence of lipids 33.20% 33.40% 35.60% 32.40% 32.50%
Percentage of patients with liver function findings 21.60% 22.80% 24.50% 21.20% 20.10%
Percentage of those who have an exercise habit 24.00% 25.00% 27.00% 27.20% 25.20%
Percentage of those with BMI 25 or higher 32.50% 31.30% 31.50% 31.70% 31.00%
Percentage of those who drink in excess of the appropriate amount 28.50% 24.00% 18.60% 19.50% 22.90%
Smoking rate 21.90% 19.10% 18.60% 18.30% 17.80%
High Stress Rate 8.00% 7.00% 8.20% 9.20% 10.90%

Number of occupational accidents

Target FYE2022 FYE2023 FYE2024
During the work 13 9 17
While commuting 4 4 9
Number of occupational accidents (cases) 17 13 26


Data Items Subject FYE2019 FYE2020 FYE2021 FYE2022
Number of internal notifications (cases) Non-consolidated - 12 7 7
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