Social Contribution
Contributing to Society through Our Business Activities
The ID&E Group, whose founder's DNA focused on "contributing to society" has been handed down to this day, has been conducting "future-oriented" support activities to develop human resources who can contribute to the development of the country and the region, considering self-reliance and self-help in developing countries and disaster-stricken areas by utilizing its technological capabilities.
Business conducted by our Group has high public nature and public interest, contributing to the development of social infrastructure. We believe that the essence and special characteristic of the ID&E Group's CSR activities are to "build the foundation for people's vibrant lives around the world and to do our best to maintain and develop it" by fulfilling our core business pursuits.
In our social contribution activities, we recognize that ID&E is a member of each local community and work together with these regions to carry out social contribution activities as a good corporate citizen in an effort toward community welfare and the realization of a prosperous society. In particular, our activities focus on humane support of local citizens when natural disasters occur and contributions toward sustainable development to conserve the global environment.
With a global perspective, we respect the history and culture of each country and region, and contribute to the sustainable development of society by providing superior technical services that comply with regional characteristics.
Contributing to the decarbonization of Yangon
Our company was selected by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan for the 2020 City-to-City Collaboration for Low-Carbon Society, and with Fukuoka City as our partner, we are conducting the Green Recovery Promotion Project for Optimal Urban Transportation and Environment Creation to reduce CO2 emissions in our sister city, Yangon (located in Myanmar).
In Yangon, waste is increasing and inefficient waste collection and transportation operations are becoming an issue. In this project, quantum computing and AI technologies provided by Groove Notes Inc. will be used to improve the efficiency of worker shifts, work planning, and transportation routes. The project aims to formulate a city-level waste strategy and develop a collection and transportation system while taking into account safety, energy efficiency, and environmental protection.

Preserving biodiversity in Papua New Guinea
The Independent State of Papua New Guinea is one of the richest areas in the world in terms of biodiversity. The Constitution of Papua New Guinea clearly states that natural resources and the environment shall be conserved and used for the benefit of the people and future generations, and a national biodiversity Strategy (NBSAP) and action plan have been established. However, due to a weak level of coordination among relevant government agencies and local residents as well as insufficient funding and capacity of government agencies, various measures have not been sufficiently implemented.
To address this issue, we formulated measures to strengthen governance and management methods at the national level, developed a protected area management model, and strengthened sustainable management of natural resources in cooperation with local residents. We are contributing to the maintenance of the complex and diverse connections of life.

Please see the link below for other ongoing projects taken on by our Group.
ID&E HighlightsSocial Contribution Activities of the ID&E Group
Supporting the Kubota Fund
In 1984, Yutaka Kubota, the founder of ID&E, established the Kubota Yutaka Foundation (Kubota Fund) using his personal funds. The purpose of the fund is to support technical personnel from developing countries in their studies and research in Japan. As part of its social contribution activities, the ID&E Group has continued to provide operational and financial support for the fund since its establishment.
During the first year of the fund, it provided support for two people. In the fund’s 37th year (2020), 193 people applied and 14 students from 12 countries including Myanmar, Cambodia, and Nepal were selected. The total number of fund recipients has reached 343 people from 45 countries. The ID&E Group will continue to support the activities of fund recipients in the hope that they will use their experiences in Japan to contribute to the development of industries and securing a better life for people in their home countries.
Number of Fund Recipients
Fiscal year ended June 30, 2022 | Fiscal year ended June 30, 2023 | Fiscal year ended June 30, 2024 |
14 recipients from 11 countries | 12 recipients from 11 countries | 12 recipients from 9 countries |
Support for the Operation of a Public Library in Kenya
The Sondu/Miriu Public Library in Kenya started as a project proposed by our employees when ID&E was involved in the design and supervision of construction for the Sondu Miriu Hydroelectric Power Station in Kenya. The library opened in 2001 thanks to the support of our client, the Kenya public power company, and other companies working as contractors on the project. Today, the local Hera Women Group runs the library, but ID&E continues to donate books and provide ongoing operational support.
As a place for children to study, Sondu/Miriu Public Library hosts community seminars and other events as a central venue for local community activities. As a result of this support activity, 27,000 people visit the library annually to use the collection of 5,200 books.
This initiative has been highly praised as an excellent activity cultivating community through the revitalization of arts and culture and received the Mecenat Award 2014 from the Association for Corporate Support of the Arts.

Contributions to Local Cleanup Activities
ID&E holds cleanup activities around its head office, branch offices throughout Japan and in each local region. As a member of the local community, we work together with each region toward community welfare and the realization of a prosperous society.
ID&E Urban Space, a ID&E Group Company, has participated in the Volunteer Support Program advocated by the Chubu Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism since 2019. This program unites road administration management (Japanese government), local citizens and companies in cleanup and other activities to achieve more hospitable roadways.
These activities strive to create safe and reliable social infrastructure and prosperous living spaces not only as part of business but as a good corporate citizen.