Human Rights
Basic approach to human rights
Supporting the ten principles of the UN Global Compact in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, in line with the “ID&E Group Code of Conduct,” and the “Ten Environmental Principles,” the ID&E Group obeys laws and ordinances related to the human rights of workers in each country where it conducts business while respecting basic human rights.
Code of Conduct (Main Corporate Responsibilities)
Respect for Human Rights:
Nippon Koei affirms diversity and does not limit employment opportunities or discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, gender, thought, faith, or social status.
Guidelines of Conduct (Main Corporate Responsibilities)
- Comply with laws and regulations concerning human rights.
- Respect the personality, diverse values, and character of each individual, treat each other with respect, and act responsibly.
- Value the efforts of the International Labor Organization (ILO) regarding human rights and avoid use of child labor that violates the ILO recommendations or forced labor in any form. Inform our business partners to assume the same attitude.
- Do not harass or treat others unfairly, including sexual harassment and workplace bullying. Do not allow others to take such actions.
- Respect and protect the privacy of individuals. Handle confidential personal information deliberately according to the predetermined procedure. Do not leak nor try to acquire unnecessary information.
Human rights initiatives
In accordance with the ID&E Group Code of Conduct, the Group respects fundamental human rights and complies with the laws and regulations relating to workers' rights in the countries in which it operates. We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, place of origin, nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion or disability, respect human rights and strive to maintain a fair workplace.
Training and seminars
The Company provides harassment prevention training corresponding to each career stage. In the third year of employment, employees receive 'mental health training on how to deal with harassment, etc.', while in the training for newly appointed section managers and general managers, they attend a lecture by an expert on the 'impact of harassment on mental health'. In addition, following the implementation of the 'Revised Law on Comprehensive Promotion of Labour Measures' in June 2020, various training courses and seminars are held, including 'Training for creating a workplace where power harassment does not occur' for managers, and 'Seminar for managers to develop female subordinates' in light of the increase in young female employees following the active recruitment of new graduates in recent years. The company also conducts a variety of training and seminars.
Consultation service system
A consultation service on harassment has been set up and a reporting system has been introduced to enable employees to consult directly with the Human Resources Department, the trade union or an external lawyer. In addition, a contact point has been set up for new employees to provide support for their future career development by offering advice and consultation on the formation of a career image and concerns in order to continue working.
Conducting business due diligence
We promote the implementation of business surveys and studies that take environmental, social and other aspects into account when conducting business activities and bidding for tenders in Japan and around the world. We strive to reduce human rights risks by effectively assessing the impact on people and communities based on international standards.
Responding to risks
In accordance with the basic policy set by the Board of Directors, the Comprehensive Risk Management Conference identifies risks associated with business activities, and formulates and promotes risk management plans to prevent risk manifestations or minimise the potential for losses. The PDCA cycle is implemented in the form of monitoring and reviewing the progress of countermeasures for matters related to human rights risks such as harassment, which are included in the risk management plan.