Compliance Approach and Policies
The ID&E Group is increasingly engaged in business activities that span countries and regions with different administrative and economic systems, business practices, and values. In order to conduct business appropriately in a global society and to prepare for all kinds of risks that may hinder business activities, initiatives and guidance that serve as common guidelines worldwide are becoming increasingly important.
We are thoroughly aware that compliance is a source for increased corporate value, and we are striving to achieve highly transparent management.
Compliance Organizational Chart

Group Code of Conduct
The ID&E Group has established the ID&E Group Code of Conduct (basic policy) for the Group's common code of conduct, and aims to truly enhance corporate value by incorporating it into the daily actions of each and every executive and employee.
It has been made available into seven languages, including Japanese, English, and Spanish, and shared with employees around the world.
We aim to create a highly transparent management system and build a relationship of trust across the entire Group as well as establish and operate a compliance observance system that also aims for the Company to adhere to social norms in order to put into practice our Management Philosophy "Act with integrity and contribute to society through technology and engineering” in accordance with laws and regulations.
Compliance Initiatives
Compliance awareness survey
Since 2007, we have conducted an annual compliance awareness survey targeting all Group employees, including those outside Japan, with the aim of accurately grasping the current state and issues of employee awareness related to compliance and using this information to promote effective compliance activities in the future. All surveys are conducted anonymously with the results disclosed to employees and reflected in our compliance activities.
Compliance training
We conduct compliance arrange lectures by outside lecturers for directors and executives, and exchange opinions on compliance violation cases conducted by each department. During training sessions, lectures are given on causes and preventive measures with reference to specific cases, as well as on the Anti-Monopoly Act, Subcontract Act, and Unfair Competition Prevention Act (prevention of bribes to foreign public officials, etc.), acts which are closely related to our business. In addition, E-learning is also used to provide education and testing on compliance and harassment as topics, giving more employees the opportunity to learn about compliance and harassment.
Compliance Reporting System
In order to detect and prevent compliance risks at an early stage, we established the Consultation/Reporting System Regulations in 2003 and have set up a system where employees who become aware of compliance violations or actions that may violate compliance can directly consult or report to the department in charge of compliance or an outside attorney. This system is available not only to our employees but also to temporary employees, Group companies, and business partners.
Number of Internal ReportsAnti-Corruption Initiatives
Our Group has established overseas business sites all over the world, including sites in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, and is engaged in many projects. While negotiating with local government agencies and companies in various locations with different laws and business practices, we are sometimes faced with risks that could lead to bribery, such as being asked for money in the form of donations, margins, etc.
The ID&E Group referred to the United Nations Global Compact in formulating the ID&E Group Code of Conduct and incorporates the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption and the Ten Principles of the Global Company into our Code of Conduct which we follow. The Code of Conduct stipulates that we will not pursue profits by unfair means and that we will conduct our business activities in compliance with laws and regulations based on fair, transparent, and free competition.