Biodiversity Conservation
Approach to Biodiversity Conservation
The benefits provided to use by ecosystem services solidify the foundation of our society. Biodiversity conservation is essential to the development of a sustainable society. Our Group positions biodiversity conservation as one key environmental issue and actively engages in conservation efforts according to the Ten Environmental Principles established by Nippon Koei. We carry out business and research activities that directly help preserve the diversity of wildlife and promote biodiversity conservation initiatives worldwide.
Specific Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives and Activities
Preserving biodiversity in Papua New Guinea
The Independent State of Papua New Guinea is one of the richest areas in the world in terms of biodiversity. The Constitution of Papua New Guinea clearly states that natural resources and the environment shall be conserved and used for the benefit of the people and future generations, and a national biodiversity Strategy (NBSAP) and action plan have been established. However, due to a weak level of coordination among relevant government agencies and local residents as well as insufficient funding and capacity of government agencies, various measures have not been sufficiently implemented. To address this issue, we formulated measures to strengthen governance and management methods at the national level, developed a protected area management model, and strengthened sustainable management of natural resources in cooperation with local residents. We are contributing to the maintenance of the complex and diverse connections of life.