Basic Policy for Group Information Security
Integrated Design & Engineering Holdings Co., Ltd
Based on our group management philosophy, namely, “Act with integrity and Contribute to society through technology and engineering,” the Group makes it its basic policy on information security that it will take all possible measures to ensure the safety and reliability of the information assets widely used in the execution of our business and to ensure information security, thereby meeting the confidence placed in us by society, our clients and our business partners.”
Based on this philosophy and the basic policy outlined above, the Company declares that it will, without fail, observe the following.
- 1.Structure for Information Security Promotion
The Group shall establish a meeting committee structure for information security under the risk integration meeting, which oversees the promotion of risk management. It shall strengthen and thorough information security throughout the entire Group. - 2.Measures for Information Security
- (1)The Group shall take appropriate measures for the management of information security with respect to each and every information asset handled in the course of its business.
- (2)All personnel handling information assets in the execution of the business of the Group shall recognize the importance of information security, abide by this basic policy on information security, and act by regulations, such as management standards and procedures, determined based on this policy.
- (3)The Group shall endeavor to ensure that information assets entrusted to the Company during business are used appropriately and protected from exposure while giving special recognition to the importance of such information assets.
- (4)The Group shall comply with the laws, standards, and contractual obligations relating to information security management.
- (5)The Group shall develop a structure for information security management and carry out continuous improvement activities to correspond to new threats to information assets.
- (1)
July 3, 2023